लोकप्रिय गायक सागर आलेको पहिलो गित “पल्ला घरकी” आज सार्बजनिक, जसमा सागरको अद्भुत अभिनय पनि देख्न पाइन्छ(भिडियो सहित),

Nepali reality television singing competition Nepal idol, that is part of the Idols franchise created by Simon Fuller and owned by 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia. The judges are Nhyoo Bajracharya, Indira Joshi and Kali Prasad Baskota. Sagar has eliminated from top 4. But love and respect by audiences is increasing everyday. Sagar’s fans told various personal things about Sagar. And they said sager ale is a versatile singer who can sing any types of song in amazing style. Watch an amazing new song” Palla ghar ki” by Sagar Ale. भिडियो

The post लोकप्रिय गायक सागर आलेको पहिलो गित “पल्ला घरकी” आज सार्बजनिक, जसमा सागरको अद्भुत अभिनय पनि देख्न पाइन्छ(भिडियो सहित), appeared first on Taja nepali news.


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