नेपाल आइडलमा भोटिङ गर्ने समय समाप्त , हेर्नुस् कसले कति मत पाए ? यस्तो छ भोटिङ नतिजा

Nepal Idol, the first international franchise singing reality show, has been mired in different controversies. Since the beginning of the singing reality show, people have been raising questions regarding their capacity as a judge of the singing reality show. Many people had accused that the judge didn’t select many good talents. As the show proceed, the singing reality show gathered new heights with huge audiences watching the show in Nepal and outside the country.हेर्नुस् कसले कति मत पाए

The post नेपाल आइडलमा भोटिङ गर्ने समय समाप्त , हेर्नुस् कसले कति मत पाए ? यस्तो छ भोटिङ नतिजा appeared first on Taja nepali news.


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