सुरज थापाले भने बाढीपीडित लाई सहयोग नगरेर भोट किनेको भए नेपाल आइडल जित्न सक्थे(भिडियो सहित)

Suraj thapa appears on media after eliminating from Nepal Idol. He said I’m not sad because I learned lots of things from that stage most important Nowadays I have many people who loves me a lot. He joined winning is not in our hand it all depends on people’s voting. He joined it’s not ending of my career I have to walk many miles ahead in life. He also sends his good wishes for all remaining participants. He said helping to flood victim is happiest feeling than anything else. Watch this video for deails. WATCH VIDEO…

The post सुरज थापाले भने बाढीपीडित लाई सहयोग नगरेर भोट किनेको भए नेपाल आइडल जित्न सक्थे(भिडियो सहित) appeared first on Taja nepali news.


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