आर्यन सिग्देल श्रीमती लाई के भनेर बोलाउछन ? नाम लिएर कहिल्यै पनि नबोलाउने आर्यनले लजाउदै यसरी खोले श्रीमती सङ्गको कुरा – हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Nepali actor Aaryan Sigdel has recently announced his upcoming film Kaira which will be produced by himself which will feature Samragyee RL Shah in lead role along with him in opposite. During an Evening Guff with Naresh, Aaryan Sigdel has revealed about the plans of the shoot of the film and more about his life. हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

The post आर्यन सिग्देल श्रीमती लाई के भनेर बोलाउछन ? नाम लिएर कहिल्यै पनि नबोलाउने आर्यनले लजाउदै यसरी खोले श्रीमती सङ्गको कुरा – हेर्नुहोस भिडियो appeared first on Taja nepali news.


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